The Iona School for Ministry offers comprehensive formation for persons serving in or called to lay ministries. If you hope to strengthen your service to Christ in the Church and in the world, Iona’s programs may be right for you. Lay formation may be taken in one-year increments. The three tracks together make up the Lay Theological Formation track.
Lay Theological Formation
Lay Preacher Track
Lay Worship Leader Track
Lay Missional Developer Track
Is God calling you to join the chorus of voices proclaiming the Good News in your own generation? The classes for this program focus on Biblical studies and preaching, with additional courses in cultural competency and the Anglican tradition. Successful completion of the program qualifies participants, on the recommendation of their rectors and approval of the bishop, to be licensed lay preachers.
Is God calling you to take a place of lay leadership in the Church’s worship life? The courses focus on church history, the Book of Common Prayer, and worship/liturgy planning, and includes required field work focused on leading worship. Successful completion of the program qualifies participants, on the recommendation of their rectors and approval of the bishop, to be licensed Worship Leader.
Is God calling you to start or sustain a missional community ministry or help your congregation engage more deeply with God’s mission in the world? The Missional Developer track offers classes on the core competencies for starting and leading missional communities. Courses include theology/ethics, applied apologetics, practical courses on leadership. Courses in leadership will include community engagement and developing others to lead. Successful completion of the program qualifies participants, on the recommendation of their rectors and approval of the bishop, to be licensed Evangelists.
Prerequisite: either the Lay Preacher or Lay Worship leader track
Prerequisite: either the Lay Preacher or Lay Worship leader track
The Iona School also offers formation for bivocational priests and deacons. Learn More.
Curriculum Overview
Each lay track student will take 10 Academic classes and 20 Ministry classes including Fieldwork Supervisory classes.
Reading and field work assignments takes place at home between the weekends.
Reading and field work assignments takes place at home between the weekends.
Preacher |
Worship Leader |
Missional Developer |
Bible: Old Testament I – V |
History I – IX |
Theology I – IV |
Bible: New Testament I – V |
Introduction to Theology |
Ethics I – IV |
Homiletics I – IV |
Familiarity with the BCP |
Contemporary Apologetics I & II |
Liturgies of the Church Year I & II |
History and Theology of the BCP I & II |
Missional Ministry I – V |
Anglican Spirituality I & II |
Introduction to the Daily Office |
Community Partnerships through ABCD |
Stewardship of Self |
Introduction to Holy Eucharist |
Holy Currencies: Sustainable Ministry |
Theological Reflection on Life & Ministry |
Introduction to Liturgical Prayer |
Cultural Competencies I – IV |
Introduction to Pastoral Care |
Holy Eucharist, Prayers of the People I & II |
Hispanic Ministries |
Listening as a Spiritual Practice |
Practicum: Baptism |
Leading as Steward |
Addiction and Recovery |
Christian Rites of Initiation |
Leading Change |
Sacramentality and Justice |
Liturgies of the Church Year I & II |
Leading Small Groups |
Christian Formation |
Intro to Liturgical Theology I & II |
Conflict I & II |
Ministry of all the Baptized |
Hospital Visits |
Dare to Lead |
Lay Leadership & Licensing |
End of Life Ministries |
Healthy & Unhealthy Small Congregations |
Intro to Holy Eucharist |
Healing Liturgies |
Pastoral Theology I: Trinity and Community |
Burials |
Pastoral Theology II: Family Systems |
Music for Small Churches |
Working with a Church Staff |
For those intending to take all three tracks, the Deans recommend starting with Preacher, moving to Worship Leader, and finally to Missional Developer. Those who complete the three-year program may apply for licenses as Pastoral Leader and/or Catechist.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for Diocese of Texas members is $3,000 per year and includes hotel accommodations for two nights, meals, snacks, student notebook and theological study guides. This rate does not include travel or textbooks. Scholarships are available upon request.
Prospective students for Lay Tracks must submit an application
directly to the Iona School Administrator. Acceptance
to the Iona School is contingent upon approval of the deans.
directly to the Iona School Administrator. Acceptance
to the Iona School is contingent upon approval of the deans.